20 October, 2006

Apple Aquires Silicon Color. We Nervously Wait to Hear What Is Planned

Ok Again, I have been bogged down by other work. Why I insist on earning money I will never know. So I had three days off the blog, but like that hit that keeps calling you back for more I have been lured back to posting. I will start with what I think is one of the most interesting developments lately, the acquisition by Apple of Silicon Color. Mike Curtis has the most comprehensive coverage of the matter with Fresh DV picking the story up too.
So, I will try to refrain from covering similar ground.  

Basically, what I will say is that I will be hugely disappointed if Apple doesn’t turn this around into a positive. If the product is abandoned and all the effort I have seen various companies put into integrating a product with such potential, will be for nothing. I am not going to speculate. I will just hope that an effective solution is brought forward that meets the growing needs of such facilities.


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