10 October, 2006

Guess What: Google Bought YouTube

In case you are under a rock Google bought YouTube for a few bob. If your Mark Cuban, your laughing your arse off. If you’re a share holder, you should probably be a bit weary of a lead balloon. The NY Times starts by saying “A profitless Web site started by three 20-somethings after a late-night dinner party is sold for more than a billion dollars, instantly turning dozens of its employees into paper millionaires. It sounds like a tale from the late 1990’s dot-com bubble, but it happened yesterday.” Cuban laments the impact this may have on DRM an issue discussed in the last post about Brightcove. And with Apple in bed with Google it all seems a bit more interesting for the consumer, and not necessarily in a good way. Cuban finishes by saying rather bluntly, “Am I surprised, by the Google YT deal. Yes. Does it open up a whole new world if they go liability free? You have no idea.”


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