24 August, 2006

Not Quite The Blockbuster Hollywood Hopefulls Were Dreaming Of.

FYI, snakes fell short of all the hype which put an overzealous expectation on the film at upwards of $20million opening weekend. In reality, the super-marketing and web-craze counted brought in $15.2M. I guess, no matter what the hype is, people still need to like the film to make it a blockbuster. Yet without all of the headlines, the film would have meekly fell into oblivion. I suppose this is a successful exorcise. If you’ve got a bad film, do your best to create a cult following!  However the feeling in Hollywood seems to be that Snakes has faield where the Blair Witch succeeded. The reason given in The Hollywood Reporter was that the film had one big negative. No one wanted to see it, well, 20% of the tracking figures were negative. And with the film securing an R rating thereby limiting the amount of teenage boys able to see it, the reality of blockbuster business was never possible.


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