21 August, 2006

MTV is Old, Itunes expensive, You Tube too much work. Enter the Music Genome Project

Additionally list weekend in the Times, there was this piece about the greying uncle MTV as it starts wear lots of gold, a dead badger on its head, driving a convertible and whatever else it can muster to remain “hip” and “cool”. Yes, as the babyboomers turn 60, their brainchild for marketing to the youth outgrows its audience at the ripe old age of 25. Of course kids now want interactive music TV, in fact they demand it. Mike at HDforIndies discussed today how You Tube is set on offering all free music video downloads, which undoubtedly puts a damper on Apple’s plans to sell them for $2. I recently discovered a great site that was listed in Time’s tope 50 websites. Pandora allows you to enter a name of an artist or song and creates a radio style playlist for your aural pleasure. This is great because it potentially introduces you to new music and requires minimal effort on your part. This is key, because interactivity is great, but lets not forget how lazy we are and generally need something to do the work for us. I mean I grown, when I have to flick through itunes to create a new playlist when people are coming around. But I digress, my point is two fold:

1) MTV is for vegetating and seeing new music videos. You Tube gives access to the music videos you want to see. Pandora does the hard work for you by searching and giving you what you like.

2) The problem with MTV and channels like it is that you often don’t like the majority of what they play, and the problem with You Tube is you have to sit at a computer and search for what you want to see.

By combining the Music Genome Project with the mass distribution of online music videos such as You Tube you get the ideal combination of music you like, videos and ease of use. This I think will be the death nail for MTV. Or if MTV can corner this market, it could lead to their revitalisation.


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