11 August, 2006

3D - Several options explained

This is a great breakdown of 3D technology as it tries to come back into the mainstream read it HERE. The article give a bit of history and a breakdown on the polarisation process used to create 3D images.

The article also describes a new technology which uses what are called LCD shutter glasses which “synchronize with images displayed on a movie screen or video game monitor. The screen alternates between frames for the left and right eyes, while the LCD shutters rapidly open and close to let the correct images through to the designated eyes”
George Lucas gave this system ‘rave reviews’ after they brought sections of Star Wars into 3D for demonstration purposes.
Finally, the iZ3D is a “monitor (that)creates a 3-D image using two LCD panels, one on top of the other. Players also wear polarized glasses.
The monitor creates separate images for each eye through its two LCD panels. The back panel, which is a standard LCD similar to off-the-shelf computer monitors, generates most of the pixels of the two images. But it has no way to split the information into separate images. That is done by the front panel, which is a modified LCD.”

This new technology is planning on becoming big for gamers who can invest in a 3D display and glasses.  


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