18 September, 2006

Nerve Interviews Larry Clark

Nerve, has quite a good interview with Larry Clark. Never one to pull a punch, I think that Nerve is one of the few forums where such a controversial filmmaker can let fly with his inspiration, take on content and views on society.

Starting with, Destricted a compilation of explicit short films, where Clark’s offering tracks a ‘win a chance to shag a porn star’ contest. In the film, he questions how sex has evolved through the extensive proliferation of pornography, especially on the net. Practices of men shaving down stairs and creating a porn style cum shot (pulling out), baffle Clark who blames porn for teaching kids how to do it.  

Clark defends his content by arguing he is creating a body of work. His theme of teenage sexuality would change if there was someone out there doing it better.

“I'm a visual artist. I'm going to make my work visually exciting. That's what I do. Look at Bully visually. When I started filming those scenes, I said, "You just don't see movies like this." Watch a Hollywood movie and then watch Bully — you're not going to find any movie even close to being as visually exciting as Bully, and that's the truth of that. If you're going to show naked kids fucking, well let's see 'em! I'm a visual fucking artist.”

As for what’s next, Clark has a contemporised Peter Pan set in NYC which has Peter and Wendy involved and all the other characters up to tongue in cheek shenanigans.


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