23 January, 2007

David Borwell's Blog

Ok, I may be a bit of a sado film geek, but what a priceless gem to have someone like David Bordwell and indeed Kristen Thompson, blogging. It is a real insight into some of the world's afore most film history and theory professor's daily musings. In a recent post, David Bordwell briefly (for him, detailed for bloggers) tracks the use of "planimetric" or "mug shot" framing through several generations of European, American and Asian filmmakers. The reason I really like reading his blog is that it breaks up the brief reads that we bloggers often post in fleeting moments. Brodwell inspires you to take time and read, think and in this case, be more shot conscious!


At 11:01 pm GMT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant! I clearly need to buy his books. Great to read theory about composition rather than just plot and cutting...


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